Friday, September 26, 2008

Step forward

15th September 2008, I continued my career at a new place. This is challenging and exciting.
Early morning on my first day at the new working area, Hui Xin opened the door for me, she joined 2 weeks earlier than me. Then I met Christine Ho. Asking me to take breakfast at the "mamak stall" and meeting other colleagues.

I thought maybe I can take a cup of "Teh Tarik" or "Teh-O". So we went down to the stall. At the end, "ffk-ed" by Miss Ho, cause they are going to customer side. Hehe ...

The place not so crowded, most of them are doing implementation at customer side. Not so happening at first. But getting better after first week :p ^_^

Surprisingly... Victor came to me asking me if I'm from MMU too. Cause he found me at FaceBook. After knowing that .... hohoho... only found out that Christine and Joyce also from MMU"

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Blog found by Crappy

So terrible, someone searched my name over the internet to see my personal blog -> CrappyHead.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Malaysia - Air Pollution

This is ridiculous, at one side, we are encouraging people to go for green, reduce air pollution and to save the mother earth, but at the other side, because of $$, they going to organize an event to increase the air pollution. I would say this is good for crowd and view satisfaction, but I would strongly recommended NOT to organize this type of event which will definitely causing air pollution.

My opinion is they only plan for their own pocket money, not plan for the whole country. As a Super Top Management of this country, their job is equivalent as a Architect and how to design & develop a country with vision and mission and for the good of all people. Make use of the resources we have wisely, do not follow blindly what people told you what to do like a puppet. If they cannot accept this kind of opinion, they must think why there's people like me having such a opinion about them. They should review, revise and regret for the thing they done wrongly. But not to blame or punish those who writing bad things about them. You can blame 1 or 2, punish 1 or 2, but with technologies nowadays, we should know each and every steps that we move or make, there's someone watching at you.

In Chinese we said: 人必自辱,然后人辱之 which means, the crowd will only look down on you if only you had done something that cause people to act so.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sarawak - 1.5 Million Jobs by 2030

News on TheStar
[Gov] Statistic
Does it help us? Imagine in another 20 years time:-
Managerial, Professional - 70,000 (35~45)
Engineers, Technicians - 140,000 (24~34)
Semi-skilled labour - 340,000 (15~23)
Unskilled labour - 945,000 (Unknown)

Let's do a simple calculation: Total Positions - 1,495,000
Which means we must have 74,750 new born babies yearly since 13 years ago.

But how many of the percentage of employment will goes to local people?
It will only creates more employment or job opportunities to foreigners.

It has been 45 years since independent gained together with Malaya on 1963. Can you see any improvement or benefits gained after we joined Malaya?

The very basic of agriculture is the success of a country, but do we have that?
All the government thinking is only for now and $$, is there any plan for future?
Natural resources is rich but if only fall into someone who really appreciate it, those who don't they will just mining it, and sell it to others. When in future we need the material or resources, we will buy it from somewhere else... which I think it is pointless...and why don't we kept all these resources for our own use? Yes, we need money.

They claim that building dams is to prepare for future, have they ever think what will be happen in future when they proceed with these "Damn" dams project? It goes back to same problem again... never improve and learn from other countries.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Government Architecture is WRONG

Have you ever realize that our voting system either in State or Parliament is totally wrong?

Which ever side that gain 2/3 majority will form the Government. Which means, when there is an idea or project development from the majority side, they will simply ignore any comments from the minorities. Which also means that the majority side can proceed with anythings without concern of the minorities. This is equivalent to creating an unbalance life styles and gaps between the majorities and minorities, the poor and the rich. Current trend of economics only bring benefits to the rich, but not the poor. The poor became poorer because of higher expenses. The rich became richer because of increasing of the expenses of the poor.

A good government will take the consideration of all people and even if there is 0.01% complains, they will find a better solution so it gains 100% comfortable of the people. When this can be done, our country will be rich and move forward in any aspects. The riches aspect of a country is "Wisdom". For example, as government proceed with 12 Dams Project in Sarawak, at the other side they closed their ear from listening to what people comment or complains, indirectly they are decreasing the supportive from the people.

For this, there's only one word to describe it, "SELFISHNESS".

Friday, August 1, 2008

Sarawak - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

News on TheStar (1)
News on TheStar (2)
Wiki - EIA
DayakBaru has done a very details and informative analysis on the Project. Feel free to read about it. What's the government know is only about $$ money. They never care for the natives and even the people who stay in Sarawak.

Strictly NO Dams Projects!
Is there anything we can do to stop the project?

Rain Forest must be protected!
They simply do not care about our living style here in Sarawak.
Because they don't have to bare the consequences of what the projects will bring to us.
Directly impacts us are:-
1. Flood - because of massive tree destroyed for Dam
2. People - the natives who stay in the rural area have to move. Have they ever care about the feeling when asking to move their home?
3. Creatures that stay over thousand of years in the forbidden rain forest.

Go Green. Don't destroy it!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sarawak - Selfishness of YAB Taib Mahmud

News on TheStar
Abdul Taib Mahmud - Described as the one who has successfully and securely made Sarawak as a kingdom of corruption.

The "Darkness" of the Sarawak State Government has been well-known by every residents who stay in Sarawak. Every time either Parliament Poll or State Polling, we will heard $$ flying everywhere where the candidates pay for those who vote for them! But, there's no action against the corruption in Sarawak.

Sadly, most of my friends who came from Sarawak do not vote! Some not even register yet! As a residence of Sarawak, we holding the responsibility to vote for the right person and right government to administrate the State.

The next Sarawak State Poll will be in 2010. Do what is right to do. Vote for changes and vote for the right person! Fight corruption!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sarawak - "Return" of Brooke

Brooke's Family Tree
News on TheStar
Jason Brooke, the great-great-grandson of Sarawak second White Rajah, Charles Brooke arrived in Kuching, Sarawak on 26-Jul-2008. He is the youngest Brooke descendant that visiting Sarawak since the state independence. This remind me the history of Sarawak which I could hardly to remember how is situation at that time. So I search for Sarawak History and summarize some of the important part.

How much do you remember the history of Sarawak?
In the Kuching Guide - "Sarawak's Colorful History" written by Alan Spencer, he described how James Brooke travel to "Sarawak" and appointed as advisor to the Sultan of Brunei.
1841, Sultan make James Brooke "Rajah" which means King and granted him of land far to the west which is now being called "Sarawak". The journey has not been easy for James Brooke, but finally he reached the village of Kuching.
1850, USA, British recognized Sarawak as Independent State.
1864, on James death, his nephew took over his place, Charles Brooke.
Followed by Charles' son, Charles Vyner Brooke.
1946, Charles Vyner Brooke abdicated and Sarawak at long last became a 'proper' British Crown Colony.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sarawak - 12 Dams Project

[GOV] KTAK - The Ministry of Energy, Water & Communication
[GOV] CETDEM - Centre for Environment, Technology and Development
Have we NOT Learn from China!
Learn MORE to Improve Environment

After hearing the News on TheStar that Sarawak going to build 12 Dams all over the states, I seriously stunned! There are so many question coming to my mind instantly:-
a) Do we need it seriously?
b) Do we have other choices in generating power?
c) Dam brings more harm than good!
d) Our most precious rain forest and the creatures that live in the habitat, which is more important? Rain Forest and the Natives or $$
Let's think about it deeply.

First of all, we already have Bakun Dam on going! Which I think it will generate more than enough power to supply the energy in Sarawak. Seriously before this, there are over 80% of Sibu residents strongly disagree with the Bakun Dam Project, because of the project, we've lost our precious title as the longest river in Asia (As it is not genuine anymore). The brilliant would not do that. Did you see the western build Water Dam on Amazon river? No they don't, because they are far see the future that the Natural Environment must not be destroyed!
Rejang River is the Proud not only for Sarawakians but the whole nation!
Why do we need 12 more Dams to be build all over Sarawak to generate so much power? They could have their own reason of doing it, maybe I don't know, but what I know is if we continue with the 12 Dams project, it will seriously damages our rain forest ecosystem.

I assume that building the 12 Dam is really needed and they will going to build it, because of this -> "Chinese Power Plants in Malaysia"
Can we not have other choices to generate the equivalent power? As so far I know, there are so many Energy Elements we can use:- Solar Energy (sun), Hydro-electricity (water), Nuclear Power Generator, Burning Wood Chips (fire), Wind Power Generator (wind), etc.

Among all the choices, I believe Wind Power Generator is the best in terms of retain the balancing of ecosystem, which is less destructive to the rain forest. It has been the main energy generator in Denmark. The cost might be higher but the result and the energy it produced is better.

Have you heard of "The 3 Gorges Dam, China"? Super Construction as this has bring more harm than good! But they claim that "The environmental benefits outweight the environmental damage!" But now you see:-
1. Snow storm striking China - Worst winter since more than half century.
2. The Great SiChuan Earthquake which affecting over 11 million of residents in China which includes 374,000++ injured, 69,000++ death, 18,000++ missing. This is not only affecting the China Country but also the whole world climates.
3. Massive Dry Season in China

This world need to keep in balance, the earth is moving every seconds to retain the balancing, when one side keep on digging, mining, sucking from down earth, the other side will have natural disaster to keep the earth in balance. And because of this, the platform of earth is moving, now the Sabah has been located in Earthquake zone.

Now, do you still think that environmental benefits overweight the environmental damage? Who will be suffer?