News on TheStar[Gov] StatisticDoes it help us? Imagine in another 20 years time:-
Managerial, Professional - 70,000 (35~45)
Engineers, Technicians - 140,000 (24~34)
Semi-skilled labour - 340,000 (15~23)
Unskilled labour - 945,000 (Unknown)
Let's do a simple calculation: Total Positions - 1,495,000
Which means we must have 74,750 new born babies yearly since 13 years ago.
But how many of the percentage of employment will goes to local people?
It will only creates more employment or job opportunities to foreigners.
It has been 45 years since independent gained together with Malaya on 1963. Can you see any improvement or benefits gained after we joined Malaya?
The very basic of agriculture is the success of a country, but do we have that?
All the government thinking is only for now and $$, is there any plan for future?
Natural resources is rich but if only fall into someone who really appreciate it, those who don't they will just mining it, and sell it to others. When in future we need the material or resources, we will buy it from somewhere else... which I think it is pointless...and why don't we kept all these resources for our own use? Yes, we need money.
They claim that building dams is to prepare for future, have they ever think what will be happen in future when they proceed with these "Damn" dams project? It goes back to same problem again... never improve and learn from other countries.